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Embedded systems and electronic design

Embedded systems are gaining more and more attention. They are usually dedicated electronic devices equpped wit a microcontroller for which a dedicated software in C/C++ language was written. Currently, the most popular solution, both in hobbies world and in industry, use a device with an ARM Cortex-M3/M4. If project is demanding and has to work under real-time then the best solution is to use a FreeRTOS — a real-time operating system for microcontrollers. However, it is not always justified to use a ARM-based solution. If the application is a simple device then very popular solution is to use Arduino platform. On the other hand, when more computation power is required then the good approach is to use SBC (single board computer) like Raspberry Pi or even a full sized PC. In the later case a dedicated piece of software like system driver has to be created. It manages low level operations with the hardware.

I offer a complete service to create an embedded system using above technologies but not limited to. Also I offer integration with an existing system if it is required. I have experience in creating measuring devices such as data acquisition devices which use different kind of sensors to measure temperature, humidity, air quality, etc. I develop electronic projects using KiCAD software and as a final product I create full production documentation. Thanks to this the time from manufacturing PCBs to final device is significantly reduced.

Web pages and web systems

In work related to web technologies I offer design and implementation of complete solutions for web portals based on CMS such as Wordpress. Thanks to this the end client receives a powerful, yet simple in operation, tool with which adding and editing content can be done quickly.

Moreover, if a client has a need of a dedicated system I offer to create it using a CodeIgniter framework. This allows to create a solution which is perfectly tailored. Based on talks with the client a concept of a working system is created starting from visual designs to required functionality. Such approach guarantees that the final product will meet all the requirements. I also offer integration with already created ecosystem which means that there are no stops during the work of client’s system while additional functionality is added.


I create software for desktops in C/C++using Qt framework of QUIs. I also have experience in developing drivers for external devices both in standard Linux and in Xenomai Linux which is a hard real-time operating system. During system administration under Linux I write scripts in Python and Bash which greatly improves efficiency. Moreover, I am interested in computer vision and machine/deep learning where I often use OpenCV library that offers advance algorithms for computer vision systems.

For robotic systems I use ROS framework (Robot Operating System). It allows to swiftly integrate different parts oft software using nodes. ROS capabilities can be further extended using another framework like OROCOS. It allows to create software using different approach called as component programming.